Welcome to my website!
The images I’ve chosen to display on this website represent years of artistry which relied on brushes, paints, inks and hand-pulled presses. Now, using technology which quickly outpaces my computer skills, these images may reach far flung eyes with a mere click.
I plan to describe herein my process for creating particular images - illustrating, for example, exactly how a model’s pose becomes a print. Inherent in the spontaneous nature of quickly crafted images during poses in life drawing sessions might be the serendipitous portrayal of more than likeness alone. The models all chose their own poses in most cases and the language of their body habitus inspired my husband Don Herzberg to broach what each pose portrays, sometimes from the view of the observer and in others, the musing of the model herself. The paired nude renderings and poetic perspectives are published in “Body Language”.
I would like to thank Natasha Wheel whose technical skills, artistic eye for design and infinite patience brought these images to your screen. I would also like to thank my granddaughter Cassie Gonzales for my perfect logo.
for questions and/or comments: “Contact”.