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About the Artist

Victoria Shalvah Herzberg has lived in Vermont for over 40 years. She signs her artwork Shalvah - a name bestowed by her parents in hopes for peace in the concluding years of WWII. Since she retired from the research faculty at Dartmouth Medical School in 1990, she has studied original design knitting, pottery, painting, printmaking, and sculpting. Her preferred subjects are most often representational images of the human figure and native plants. She attained signature membership in the Vermont Watercolor Society in 2006 and is currently an artist member of Two Rivers Printmaking Studio in White River Junction, VT and AVA Gallery and Art Center in Lebanon, NH. She has displayed her artwork in regional galleries and published images in two books, paired with poems written by her husband Don Herzberg: Body Language (available on Amazon) and Mirror of Seasons (under revision).

This website logo was designed by granddaughter Cassie Gonzales.

More of Shalvah’s prints can be viewed on-line at

Two Rivers Printmaking Studio

Shalvah is a Signature Member of the

Vermont Watercolor Society

where some of her paintings can be viewed on-line